So now instead of over 400 mb of images I'm down to around 10mb+ not bad, also the code for the site so that he images each have their own unique gallery page has turned out rather well, now just checking over everything in detail.
Its lucky I have this to do really things aren't exactly;y going brilliantly atm, saying that E3 games conference is just weeks away with the impending new of the Playstation 4 and Xbox -1, i know this has been said a dozen times now but I have to say it as its such a funny pun "It's half time and the results are in, it's Xbox-1 Playstation 4" ha you have got to appreciate that. I soon hope to write a review on both systems and the events of E3 on my reviews website, however things are at a halt presently until I can reach the editor.
I have to say I'm surprised with the amount of views I have gotten so far, considering I haven't really put this blog out there so to speak, hopefully you will enjoy or learn something from my posts, while I like talking Tech I will try to broaden the blog once my new site is up and running.
This is my first real stab at a blog, website, business site for myself so I'm hoping it goes well, thanks for reading if you got this far.
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