First however I must turn my attention to something that really annoys me,. not with apple or IOS but with the so called experts out there publishing articles which are not strictly true. What really annoys me is looking at other web articles from people who report on technology for a living and yet they don't know as much as they probably should. Even before I attempted to go anywhere near Apples download Server with my prized little gadget I made sure to take steps to ensure that if I did not like IOS 7 for any reason, or it was too buggy on my older model, then I could reinstall the old original OS IOS 6 software version, this is called downgrading but apparently this is something not many people know about.
Its not that lengthy a process and can help later on, you may wonder why do this as surely Apple could let you downgrade back to IOS 6? Well they do for short periods of time when all new IOS updates are announced but there is a process that once they turn off what is called firmware signing then your phone will not validate an IOS 6 install, it will appear to reboot successfully but will not let you have a functioning IOS environment until you restore to the latest IOS.
This happens because the software update has to verify with Apple to allow the process to continue somewhere deep within IOS software code, this can be bypassed however so that you can back up a few settings and when the phone attempts to activate through apples servers it actually gets a legitimate copy from well known Cydia servers, which apple don't endorse in any way, but it is a great job as I feel that the right to go back to a previous IOS should be allowed at the very least!
Now that has been cleared up I can safely say I don't need to restore back to my old IOS environment any-time soon, and IOS 7 has indeed given a new lease of life to my phone. even though I still have the Iphone 4 in excellent condition it could be said as being outdated, but I still feel it is a market leader and can still hold its own in today's mobile environment.
with regards to IOS 7, it is amazing how easily it can be picked up especially with the swiping instead of pressing red x's during multi-tasking. There are a lot of great improvement's, a lot of which is very visual and obvious to the user, while there are also some subtle changes to the settings here and there. One great feature for example is in the music player, simply tilting the device to landscape displays all of the albums listed on the phone side by side, with the user only needing to slide left and right to select individual album.
I will say that there are limitations here and there and the new IOS would benefit from the extra processing power from one of the newer I-Phones, but I find the only real problem is the latency between accessing the camera app when trying to take a quick snap, that I can live with for now.
There has been as there always is when a major system update such as this is launched however with it being leaked that there was one or two security breaches within the new software which could compromise a users phone if a criminal were to gain access to it. luckily Apple were quick to respond and have since released a smaller incremental follow up update to rectify this issue.
There are now talks of the IOS 8 releasing next year, madness you may well say but that is not such a silly statement to make, after all technology moves so fast these days that new software is always in need of updating to keep-up with the newest hardware developments and vice a-versa. At least we have IOS 7 to enjoy for now, but who knows what may be available in IOS 8?
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