It seems Twitter has decided to become a lot more pushy, as yet no one seems to know why, after all twitter has (had) a simple formula tweet short little posts, image upload support, follow the people you want and so on, now you will have a time line of unrelated and unnecessary content you may not even be interested in, the new feature hasn't been rolled out to the public as of yet, but it has a strong possibility of surfacing.
The problem becomes progressively worse if this were to happen on everyone's timelines, it will be like a big mash up of already generated data thrown at hundreds of other random users. So far only the more predominant of twitters user base have been targeted to test this new feature, the feedback hasn't been the most positive it could be said.
As previously stated apparently there won't be a way for a user to remove these intrusive posts themselves, aside from un-following all but the most essential people. It all seems unnecessary as you already see this pre-existing info form the people you follow in your timeline feed, effectively your timeline is now not your own. Then there is the whole side of you may not actually like, disagree with, or condone the tweets being posted. It could be said that changing to a more algorithm based feed like "Facebook" implements would potentially alienate Twitters users and prevent it from being Twitter instead of a copy-cat site.
Weather twitter will get a backlash from this new found wisdom if they roll it out publicly or actually make it useful and of value to its users remains to be seen, it all comes down to the sites ability to move forward, update it's algorithms and help advertisers position there targeted advertising .
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